The Effect of Friction on the Nonlinear Vibration of the Cracked One-Stage Power Transmission



: The gear systems are widely used in industry to transmit the power or change the direction of the torque. Due to the extensive usage of the gears, the detailed designing and the subsequent maintenance of these systems are more and more evident. System recognition can be achieved through modeling the system, investigating the system behavior, and comparing the results obtained through the model with the actual system behavior. Up to now, the effect of dry friction has not been taken into account in nonlinear vibration analysis and modeling of a cracked one-stage gear power transmission system. In this paper, the nonlinear vibration of a pair of cracked spur-gear system in presence of dry friction, static transmission error, clearance and time-variant mesh stiffness is investigated. To this end, the time-variant mesh stiffness of an intact tooth is calculated analytically. Then, the tooth root crack is modeled as a cracked cantilever beam. The governing nonlinear equation of motion is extracted accordingly, and in order to consider the effect of dry friction, the governing equation solved by Rung- Kutta method in three separate time spans. Finally, the frequency response and bifurcation diagrams are used to study the effect of the friction and tooth root crack on the nonlinear vibration behavior of the system.


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