

The purpose of the present study is to investigate and analyze numerically, the effective mechanisms on the flow field and pollutant dispersion around a simple and long street canyon by means of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach using various inflow turbulence generation methods. For this purpose, four methods i.e. vortex, mapping, synthetic and no-inlet perturbation methods are used as inflow turbulence generators in LES. Results suggest that all methods are capable of capturing the two important structures of canyon vortex and corner eddy, which have great influences on air ventilation inside the street canyon. The magnitudes of concentration on the leeward wall of the first building are approximately four times as much as those
of windward wall of the second building. Among the various inflow turbulence generation methods, the vortex method is the most precise method and no-inlet perturbation method is the least precise method.


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