In order to simulate multiphase flow in the presence of dielectric current using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), three distribution functions are used, two of which for using the He-Chen-Zhang phase field model and one for solving the potential field. Initially, the ability of the code to apply surface tension was tested using the Laplace law and the drop release test. The results show that the present numerical program is capable of modeling well the regulated surface tension force. Then, the Rayleigh–Taylor instability simulation is used to evaluate the code's ability in applying volume forces. The results by the developed numerical program are in good agreement with the numerical results in the references. In this study, for the first time, the effect of electric field on a droplet immersed in another fluid and the presence of droplet in a porous medium is investigated by LBM. For this purpose, first the droplet motion due to the potential difference in the porous and non-porous media is investigated. After modeling the droplet motion due to the potential difference, two electric fields areapplied to the droplet to reverse the droplet deformation. Through various tests, it is shown that at a given potential difference, the droplet breaks down after much deformation and is divided into smaller droplets. The decomposition of droplets in a pre-mixed emulsion is a common technique in the production of monodisperse droplets. The presence of monodisperse droplets in an emulsion improves the physical properties of polymer science experts.
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